ProAndro Men's Wild Yam Cream

ProAndro Men's Wild Yam Cream
ProAndro Men's Wild Yam Cream
Wild Yam Cream with Saw Palmetto Benefits
Men's ProAndro His Wild Yam Cream
ProAndro Men's Wild Yam Cream was created out of an ever-increasing request from customers who say, "if the estrogen in our environment is bad for women, what is this toxin doing to men? Does it cause male menopause or andropause? Do you have anything for that?"
Our herbal infusion does not contain any synthetic additives or artificial ingredients, and like all our products, it's designed with respect for both our customers and our planet. ProAndro is made from Wild Yam, Saw Palmetto, Nettle Root and Sarsaparilla Root. In men, progesterone is produced in the testes and adrenal glands and is a critical component in balancing hormones. Progesterone is known to assist in keeping testosterone balanced. ProAndro can help increase progesterone levels in men. 
Apply a small amount (1/8 tsp) each morning to the testes. Please check out our product reviews on his Wild Yam Cream, as our customers have been enjoying this product for nearly 20 years now.

Disclaimer: These products and statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Always consult with your doctor when using herbal products.

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