Understanding Natural Hormone Therapy vs Natural Hormone Replacement Therapy

Natural hormone therapies are an increasingly popular choice for individuals seeking a holistic approach to hormone balance. These methods primarily focus on lifestyle modifications and natural supplements to stimulate the body's hormone production.


Many women are switching from traditional Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and Natural Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) to fully natural hormone therapy due to growing concerns over the potential side effects and long-term risks associated with synthetic hormones.

Additionally, HRT and BHRT is often not a permanent solution, as many doctors will eventually recommend discontinuing its use due to the potential risks associated with prolonged treatment. This can leave women searching for new ways to manage their symptoms once these are no longer an option.

Moreover, HRT can be quite costly, with the ongoing expense of prescriptions and regular medical consultations adding up over time. Natural hormone therapy, which includes the use of herbal supplements, dietary changes, and lifestyle modifications, offers a gentler approach to managing hormonal imbalances without adding any hormones to the body.

The Importance of a Holistic Approach

While natural hormone therapies offer promising benefits, it's important to remember that they should be complemented with a healthy diet, regular exercise, and effective stress management techniques for optimal results.

In addition to balancing hormones, these holistic practices can significantly enhance both lifespan and quality of life. A healthy diet provides essential nutrients that boost immune function, reduce inflammation, and prevent chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease.

Regular exercise strengthens the cardiovascular system, improves muscle and bone health, and enhances mental well-being by releasing endorphins, the body's natural mood elevators.

Effective stress management techniques, such as mindfulness and relaxation exercises, lower cortisol levels, reducing the risk of stress-related illnesses and promoting mental clarity and emotional stability. By integrating these healthy habits into daily life, individuals not only extend their lifespan but also enjoy a more vibrant, energetic, and fulfilling life.

Diet & Fasting

  • Fuel Your Body with Nutrient-Rich Foods: Enjoy a colorful variety of organic fruits and veggies, lean proteins, and whole grains. Think rainbow salads, delicious smoothies, and hearty grain bowls that make eating healthy fun and tasty!

  • Short Fasting: This can significantly enhance your diet by promoting a range of health benefits that contribute to overall well-being. When you fast, your body undergoes a period of rest from constant digestion, allowing it to focus on repair and rejuvenation processes. This break can improve insulin sensitivity, leading to more stable blood sugar levels and reduced fat storage, particularly around the abdomen.

Move & Groove

  • Get Active and Feel Fantastic: Find activities you love, whether it's dancing, yoga, or a brisk walk in the park. Regular exercise helps keep your hormones in check and boosts your mood. Grab a friend and make it a social event! Make it something fun, so it enlivens you instead of makes you think it's "time to go WORK out".

Stress Less, Smile More!

  • Master the Art of Relaxation: Incorporate stress-busting techniques like mindfulness meditation, deep breathing, or leisurely hobbies. Treat yourself to a calming herbal tea, indulge in a relaxing bath, or simply enjoy a good book.

Natural Hormone Therapy vs. Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

Let's talk about two ways people try to balance their hormones: Natural Hormone Therapy and Bioidentical Hormone Therapy. It’s important to understand what these terms mean so we can choose the best option for our health.

What is Natural Hormone Therapy?

Natural Hormone Therapy uses things from nature, like plants and herbs, to help our bodies balance hormones. For example, some people use Wild Yam or Chaste Tree Berry because these plants have properties that can help regulate hormones naturally.

What is Bioidentical hormone therapy

What is Bioidentical Hormone Therapy?

Bioidentical Hormone Therapy sounds natural and often times many think it is natural, but it's a bit different. It is often called Natural Hormone Replacement Therapy or Natural Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy. These hormones are made in a lab to look exactly like the hormones our bodies produce.

Even though they match our body's hormones perfectly, they aren't taken directly from nature. Instead, scientists create them in a lab to have the same structure as our natural hormones.

Why Choose Natural Over Bioidentical Hormone Therapy?

Trying Natural First

We often suggest trying to balance hormones naturally before using synthetic (man-made) options like HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) or BHRT (Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy). Here’s why:

  1. Gentler on the Body: Natural methods use things like herbs, healthy foods, exercise, and stress reduction to help your body find its balance. These methods are gentle and work with your body’s natural processes.

  2. Fewer Side Effects: Synthetic hormones can sometimes build up in your body and cause side effects, especially if used for a long time. Natural therapies are less likely to cause these problems because they work with what your body already knows.

  3. Better Long-Term Results: Natural therapies often provide better long-term results because they help your body learn to balance itself. With synthetic hormones, your body might rely on them too much and have trouble balancing hormones on its own later.

In summary, while Bioidentical Hormone Therapy matches your body’s hormones on a molecular level, it’s made in a lab and isn't entirely natural. Natural Hormone Therapy uses herbs and lifestyle changes to support your body naturally and can be a gentler and safer first step in finding hormone balance.

Small Changes that Aid with Long-Term Hormone Balance

Importance of Good Sleep

Getting enough good sleep is super important for keeping your hormones balanced. Hormones are like tiny messengers in your body that help control many things, like how hungry you feel, how you grow, and even how you handle stress. When you sleep well, your body can make and use these hormones properly.

How Sleep Helps Your Hormones

  • Growth Hormone: While you're sleeping, your body releases growth hormone. This hormone helps your body grow and repair itself, so it's really important for kids and adults alike.

  • Cortisol: This is the hormone that helps you deal with stress. When you sleep well, your body keeps cortisol at the right levels. But if you don't get enough sleep, your cortisol levels can get too high, making you feel stressed and tired.

  • Hunger Hormones: Two important hormones that control hunger are ghrelin and leptin. Ghrelin tells you when you're hungry, and leptin tells you when you're full. When you don't sleep enough, your body makes more ghrelin and less leptin, making you feel hungrier and more likely to overeat.

  • Reproductive Hormones: For girls and women, sleep affects hormones like estrogen and progesterone, which are important for the menstrual cycle and overall reproductive health. Good sleep helps keep these hormones balanced, which is important for feeling your best.

Tips for Better Sleep

  1. Stick to a Schedule: Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. This helps your body get into a routine.

  2. Create a Relaxing Bedtime Routine: Do something calming before bed, like reading a book, taking a warm bath, or listening to gentle music. This signals to your body that it's time to wind down.

  3. Keep Your Room Comfortable: Make sure your bedroom is cool, quiet, and dark. This creates the perfect environment for sleeping.

  4. Limit Screen Time Before Bed: The blue light from phones, tablets, and computers can make it harder for you to fall asleep. Try to turn off these devices at least an hour before bedtime.

  5. Avoid Heavy Meals and Caffeine Before Bed: Eating a big meal or having caffeine (found in coffee, tea, and soda) close to bedtime can keep you awake. Try to have dinner a few hours before bed and limit caffeine in the afternoon and evening.

If you're having trouble sleeping, you might want to try our Restful Sleep tea. It’s made with herbs that can help you relax and get a good night’s sleep.

Reducing Caffeine Intake

Reducing how much caffeine you have can really help with hormone balance. Caffeine is found in coffee, tea, and energy drinks, and it makes your adrenal glands produce more cortisol, the stress hormone. Too much cortisol can mess up your hormone balance, causing problems like trouble sleeping, feeling anxious, and being really tired.

If you have PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome), caffeine can make things worse by increasing stress and affecting your sleep even more. Women with PCOS might find it helpful to cut down on caffeine to help manage their symptoms.

To keep your hormones balanced, try drinking less caffeine. Replace your regular coffee or tea with herbal teas or water. If you love coffee and find it hard to quit, try a tea from our "A Little Boost" section to help you slowly switch away from coffee.

Reducing Alcohol Consumption

Drinking alcohol can also affect your hormone balance. Your liver helps process hormones, and alcohol can make it harder for your liver to do its job. This can lead to a build-up of hormones, causing an imbalance.

For women, even drinking a little alcohol can mess up your menstrual cycle and increase the amount of androgens, which are male hormones. This is especially important for women with PCOS, who already have higher levels of androgens. Alcohol can also increase stress hormones, making you feel more anxious and stressed, which can throw off your hormone balance.

To help keep your hormones balanced, try to drink less alcohol. Instead of reaching for a glass of wine or beer, consider having a sparkling water with a splash of fruit juice or one of our delicious herbal teas.

By focusing on getting good sleep, reducing caffeine, and cutting down on alcohol, you can help keep your hormones balanced and feel your best every day.

Reducing Your Daily Exposure to Endocrine Disruptors

Even if you're doing your best to eat healthy, exercise, and manage stress, there are still things in our daily lives that can mess with our hormones. These things are called endocrine disruptors, and they can be found in many common items we use every day. Let's break down what endocrine disruptors are and how you can reduce your exposure to them.

What Are Endocrine Disruptors?

Endocrine disruptors are chemicals that can interfere with the way your hormones work. Hormones are important because they help control lots of things in your body, like growth, mood, and metabolism. When endocrine disruptors get into your body, they can cause problems like cancer, birth defects, and other health issues. These chemicals are found in many everyday products, such as:

  • Plastic bottles and containers: Some plastics contain chemicals that can leach into food and drinks.
  • Metal food cans: The lining of some cans can contain endocrine disruptors.
  • Detergents and cleaning products: Some cleaning supplies have chemicals that can affect hormones.
  • Flame retardants: These are chemicals used in furniture and electronics to prevent fires.
  • Food and toys: Some toys and non-organic foods can contain harmful chemicals.
  • Cosmetics: Some personal care products like shampoos, lotions, and makeup contain endocrine disruptors.
  • Pesticides: Chemicals used to kill pests on non-organic crops can also disrupt hormones.

How to Reduce Your Exposure

Here are some simple steps you can take to reduce the amount of endocrine disruptors you come into contact with every day:

  1. Use Glass or Stainless Steel Containers: Instead of using plastic containers for your food and drinks, switch to glass or stainless steel. These materials are safer and don’t release harmful chemicals.

  2. Choose Natural Fiber Clothing: Opt for clothes made from natural fibers like cotton or wool instead of synthetic materials like polyester. Natural fibers are less likely to contain harmful chemicals.

  3. Avoid Personal Care Products with Phthalates and Parabens: When you buy shampoos, lotions, or makeup, look for products that say “phthalate-free” and “paraben-free” on the label. These chemicals are common endocrine disruptors.

  4. Use Natural Cleaning Products: Choose cleaning supplies made from natural ingredients instead of harsh chemicals. You can even make your own cleaning solutions using things like vinegar and baking soda.

  5. Eat Organic Foods: Organic foods are grown without synthetic pesticides and chemicals. By eating organic, you can reduce your exposure to endocrine disruptors found in non-organic produce.

Why This Matters

Reducing your exposure to endocrine disruptors is important because it helps keep your hormones balanced and your body healthy. Even though scientists have known about the dangers of these chemicals for a long time, many people still don’t know much about them. By making small changes in your daily life, you can protect yourself from these harmful chemicals and support your overall health.

For more detailed strategies and tips on how to reduce your exposure to endocrine disruptors, check out our page on How to Reduce Endocrine Disruptors. It has lots of useful information to help you make healthier choices every day.

Wild Yam Cream as Part of Your Natural Hormone Therapy

Using Wild Yam Cream as part of your natural hormone therapy can be a great choice for several reasons. 

Natural Alternative

Wild Yam Cream is a natural alternative to synthetic (man-made) hormones. Synthetic hormones can sometimes cause unwanted side effects, but Wild Yam Cream is gentle and works naturally with your body.

The cream is really easy to use. You simply apply it to your skin, and your skin absorbs it. This means the helpful ingredients go right into your bloodstream and start working quickly to balance your hormones.

Reported Symptoms It May Benefit

Wild Yam Cream can help reduce uncomfortable symptoms like:

  • Hot Flashes: Sudden feelings of intense warmth, often experienced during menopause.
  • Night Sweats: Heavy sweating during the night, which can disrupt sleep and leave you feeling uncomfortable.
  • Mood Swings: Quick changes in emotions, such as going from happy to sad or irritable without any clear reason.
  • Cramps: Painful sensations in the lower abdomen, typically occurring before or during menstruation.
  • Irregular Periods: Menstrual cycles that are unpredictable in timing, duration, or flow, which can cause stress and discomfort.
  • Low Energy Levels: Feeling unusually tired or fatigued, even after a good night's sleep, making it hard to get through the day.
  • Sleep Disturbances: Difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or waking up feeling rested, which can affect your overall health and mood.
  • Vaginal Dryness: Lack of natural lubrication in the vaginal area, leading to discomfort, itching, or pain during intercourse.
  • Breast Tenderness: Soreness or sensitivity in the breasts, often linked to hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle or menopause.
  • Mild Anxiety and Irritability: Feeling nervous, restless, or easily annoyed, which can be influenced by hormonal imbalances.

By using the cream, these symptoms can become less intense and happen less often. Combining this with a healthier routine, often guarantees the results for long-term benefits.

Supports Your Body

Using Wild Yam Cream helps your body produce hormones naturally. This means it helps your body do what it already does but better. When your hormones are balanced, you feel better overall, with more energy and a better mood.

How to Use It

Incorporating Wild Yam Cream into your routine is simple. You just need to apply it to your skin as directed, usually once or twice a day. Make it a part of your daily habits, like brushing your teeth or combing your hair.

By using Wild Yam Cream, you are choosing a smart and effective way to help your body stay balanced and healthy. It's a natural, easy, and gentle way to feel better every day.

Consultation and Shop

If you have specific questions or need personalized advice, consider scheduling a consultation with a healthcare provider who specializes in natural hormone therapy. They can provide guidance tailored to your individual needs and help you develop a comprehensive plan for achieving hormonal balance.

Shop Bath & Body

Explore our range of body products designed to support hormone health. All of our products are formulated with natural ingredients to promote overall well-being.

Shop Yam Creams

Discover our selection of Wild Yam Creams, each crafted to help balance hormones naturally. Whether you're seeking relief from menopausal symptoms or looking to maintain overall hormonal health, our creams offer a gentle, effective solution.


Natural hormone remedies offer a holistic approach to achieving and maintaining hormone balance. By focusing on lifestyle modifications, natural supplements, and reducing exposure to endocrine disruptors, you can support your body's natural hormone production and enjoy improved health and well-being.

Remember to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new treatment, and consider natural options before turning to synthetic alternatives for long-term results.