Why We Use Sacha Inchi Oil Over Natural Vitamin E


As MoonMaid Botanicals, our mission is to provide skincare solutions that not only deliver outstanding results but also align with our values of purity, sustainability, and respect for nature.

Sacha Inchi oil embodies these principles with its minimal processing, comprehensive skin benefits, and ethical sourcing. By transitioning to Sacha Inchi oil, we reaffirm our commitment to offering products that nurture the skin while honoring the environment and the communities that supply this remarkable ingredient.

This switch is more than just a change in formulation; it is a testament to our dedication to fostering a greener, more responsible approach to skincare.

Understanding Sacha Inchi Oil

Origin and Benefits:

Sacha Inchi oil, also known as Inca Inchi or Plukenetia Volubilis, is derived from the seeds of a plant native to the Amazon rainforest. For centuries, indigenous communities have revered it for its rich nutritional profile and medicinal properties. High in omega-3, omega-6, and omega-9 fatty acids, Sacha Inchi oil offers unparalleled skin benefits. It also contains a significant amount of vitamins E and A, protein, and antioxidants.

One of the standout benefits of Sacha Inchi oil is addressing saggy skin... which lies in its potent anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation can expedite the breakdown of collagen and elastin, the two crucial proteins that maintain skin's structural integrity. By soothing inflammation, Sacha Inchi oil helps to preserve these essential proteins, thereby slowing down the sagging process.

The high concentration of essential fatty acids in Sacha Inchi oil is instrumental in maintaining the skin's lipid barrier, thereby enhancing hydration and preventing moisture loss. With anti-inflammatory properties that also help soothe irritated skin and reduce redness.

Moreover, the antioxidants in Sacha Inchi oil combat free radical damage, which is a primary contributor to skin aging. Regular use of this oil can result in improved skin elasticity, smoother texture, and a youthful glow.

Natural Vitamin E Oil: The Basics

Chemical Composition, It's Usually Still Synthetic:

The distinction between synthetic and natural Vitamin E often leads to confusion, given that both forms are ultimately derived through synthetic processes.

Natural Vitamin E, commonly labelled as d-alpha-tocopherol, originates from plant oils and is known for its superior bioavailability and efficacy in neutralizing oxidative damage. However, to meet the high demand and for mass production, even natural Vitamin E undergoes extraction and refinement processes that can involve synthetic methods.

On the other hand, synthetic Vitamin E, labelled as dl-alpha-tocopherol, is entirely produced through chemical synthesis in laboratories, resulting in a mixture of various isomers. Despite the label "natural," the extensive processing and purification steps imply that both forms integrate synthetic elements, albeit starting from different sources.

Natural Vitamin E oil features tocopherols and tocotrienols, with tocopherol acetate being the most common form used in skincare products. It's vital to note that tocopherol acetate is an ester derived from acetic acid and tocopherol. While this form offers stability and a longer shelf life, it undergoes more processing than its unesterified counterpart.

The creation of acetic acid, a fundamental component in Tocopherol acetate, often begins with the processing of natural gas. Natural gas, primarily composed of methane, undergoes a series of chemical reactions through the process of methanol carbonylation.

In this method, methane is converted into methanol, which subsequently reacts with carbon monoxide - typically derived from natural gas as well - under high pressures and temperatures in the presence of a catalyst to produce acetic acid. This acetic acid is then esterified with tocopherol in a synthetic process to form tocopherol acetate.

Importation and Limitations:

Vitamin E is a well-known antioxidant that protects the skin from oxidative stress. It aids in healing scars, minimizing fine lines, and providing some degree of UV protection. However, in its acetate form, it requires enzymatic conversion in the skin to yield active tocopherol. This limitation can reduce its immediate efficacy compared to more readily absorbable, natural oils.

Because Vitamin E is a valuable nutrient widely used in dietary supplements and skincare products, its mass production is dominated by a few key global players. China stands out as one of the leading exporters of Vitamin E. (Especially natural Vitamin-E, which is often made from soybeans.)

One critical issue that has emerged in the context of sourcing Vitamin E from soybeans is the lack of rigorous organic quality testing for the sourced ingredients in Vitamin E that is imported from China into America.

Despite stringent organic standards in the United States, the soybeans sourced from China often bypass the thorough testing required to certify their organic status. This gap in quality assurance is concerning, given that consumers and manufacturers alike rely heavily on the organic label to guarantee the purity and environmental sustainability of the product.

Unfortunately, the cost efficiencies and the ability to meet large-scale demand, there are notable downsides associated with this reliance. One significant concern is the potential for variations of quality and purity.

Despite regulatory frameworks, there have been instances where imported Vitamin E has failed to meet stringent safety and efficacy standards, raising alarm in the nutraceutical and cosmetic industries. Additionally, the heavy dependence on a single geographical source exposes global supply chains to risks such as geopolitical tensions, trade restrictions, and disruptions caused by natural disasters.

Furthermore, the environmental impact of large-scale manufacturing in China, often associated with substantial greenhouse gas emissions and resource consumption, also presents a sustainability challenge. These factors collectively underscore the need for diversification in sourcing and more robust international quality control mechanisms to mitigate the risks tied to the global supply of Vitamin E.

Comparison of Extraction & Processing

Sustainability and Environmental Impact:

Sacha Inchi oil production is a sustainable practice. The cultivation of Sacha Inchi plants aids in preserving the Amazon rainforest, supporting local economies, and promoting biodiversity. The oil extraction involves cold-pressing the seeds, which is a low-impact process, maintaining the natural integrity of the oil.

In contrast, extracting Natural Vitamin E, particularly in its acetate form, entails more extensive processing. This process can involve chemical solvents and leaves a larger carbon footprint. By opting for Sacha Inchi oil, we align with our commitment to environmental stewardship and sustainability.

Purity & Additives:

Cold-pressed Sacha Inchi oil retains its purity, free from chemical additives or synthetic preservatives. This minimal processing ensures that the oil's natural goodness is preserved, providing a holistic skincare solution. However, Natural Vitamin E oil, particularly in its more stable acetate form, oftentimes contain additional substances to enhance its shelf life and stability. These additives can potentially diminish the natural quality of the oil.

Broad Spectrum Benefits of Sacha Inchi Oil

Comprehensive Nutritional Profile:

Sacha Inchi oil not only provides antioxidant benefits similar to those of Vitamin E but does so with a broad spectrum of additional nutrients. The high content of omega fatty acids offers anti-inflammatory benefits that help in conditions like eczema and psoriasis. The presence of Vitamin A further boosts skin renewal and repair.

Due to its lightweight texture and non-greasy feel, Sacha Inchi oil blends seamlessly into various skincare formulations. From moisturizers to serums, it enhances product efficacy without compromising texture or user experience.

Clinical & Anecdotal Evidence

Studies Supporting Sacha Inchi Oil:

Scientific research supports the therapeutic benefits of Sacha Inchi oil for the skin. Studies have shown its effectiveness in restoring skin barrier function, reducing trans-epidermal water loss, and enhancing skin elasticity. The high antioxidant activity combats oxidative stress more comprehensively than isolated compounds like Vitamin E acetate.

User Testimonials:

Many users report noticeable improvements in their skin condition after incorporating Sacha Inchi oil into their routines. Common feedback includes reduction in dryness, improved skin texture, and a radiant complexion. Such anecdotal evidence, combined with clinical support, underscores why Sacha Inchi oil is a superior choice.

Ethical Considerations

Fair Trade and Ethical Sourcing:

Using Sacha Inchi oil supports indigenous farmers and communities. Fair-trade practices ensure that these communities receive equitable compensation for their work, fostering sustainable livelihoods and preserving traditional knowledge.



The selection of Sacha Inchi oil over Natural Vitamin E oil, particularly in its acetate form, reflects our dedication to providing natural, effective, and ethically sourced skincare solutions. The comprehensive skin benefits, minimal processing, and sustainability of Sacha Inchi oil make it a superior ingredient.

This choice aligns with our core values of purity, sustainability, and holistic health. By embracing the natural goodness of Sacha Inchi oil, we offer skincare that not only nurtures the skin but also honors the environment and the communities that cherish this incredible plant.