ProMeno Women's Wild Yam Cream (6oz)

ProMeno Women's Wild Yam Cream is our herbal alternative to the bio-identical progesterone creams. Crafted exquisitely with Wild Yam, Vitex (a.k.a. Chasteberry) and Comfrey Leaf, along with our signature blend of essential oils, this cream delivers a divine feel and heavenly aroma that you'll absolutely adore!

Women approaching menopause can experience all sorts of symptoms: vaginal dryness, night sweats, low sex drive, and a sudden need for more lubrication during intercourse. These are all signs of our shifting hormones. All of these issues can stem from low progesterone, which is so critical for keeping our estrogen in balance. 

To be applied once in the morning and once in the evening. Many women even use it as a lovely night face cream. The organic extra virgin olive oil in ProMeno will lavish your skin with nourishment. 

Because our product does not contain any synthesized or artificial hormones, there is no concern for hormone build-up, so you do not need to alternate locations. For severe symptoms, apply "below the midsection" near the ovaries or on the inner thigh for the best absorption. If you have a menstrual cycle, take a 5-7 day break every month when you are bleeding as application is not necessary during this time. 

MoonMaid's Wild Yam Cream, though sharing the same ultimate goal as Anna's Wild Yam Cream in supporting hormonal balance and skin health, holds a unique place in the market due to its origin and legacy. Learn More: Is ProMeno Similar to Anna's Wild Yam Cream?

Ingredients: Wild Yam Root (Dioscorea villosa)*, Chasteberry (Vitex agnus-castus)*, Comfrey Leaf (Symphytum tuberosum)*, Infused Extra Virgin Olive Oil*, Aloe Vera Juice*, Distilled Water, Beeswax, MSM, Clary Sage Oil*, Frankincense Oil*, Palmarosa Oil*, Rose Geranium Oil*, Petitgrain Oil*, Rosemary C02.

* = Certified Organic


Disclaimer: These products and statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Always consult with your doctor when using herbal products.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does Wild Yam Cream do for you?

It is known to be beneficial for balancing a woman's hormones, no matter the life stage. For those that have menses, it may reduce menstrual-related discomforts, such as painful cramps, breast tenderness, moodiness, and menses irregularity.

For those that are pre-menopausal or menopausal, it is known to reduce hot flashes, joint discomfort, moodiness, and sleep disturbances. Even for those that are post menopause, it is known to benefit joint discomfort, vaginal atrophy, moodiness, skin health, and boosting libido.

Where is the best place to apply Wild Yam Cream?

We recommend a thin-skinned area such as the neck, inner wrist/arm, inner thigh, lower abdomen, or for our ProMeno Wild Yam Cream even the face. But more importantly, we have found that keeping to the same locations is often best.

Our recommendation is actually applying the Wild Yam Cream to the same location, twice a day. Alternatively, you can choose up to two locations - but we recommend reducing the amount of locations the cream is alternated.

This is because a reservoir forms in the skin and underlying tissues, concentrating the active compounds in one area. As a result, the absorption process becomes more efficient. This localized saturation allows for a slow and steady release of the product into the bloodstream, providing a more sustained effect.

By maintaining a continuous supply of the active compounds, your body can experience a more consistent balance. This is especially helpful for managing symptoms of hormonal imbalances. Sticking to the same application sites help ensure a gradual and reliable absorption of the cream, enhancing its overall effectiveness.

Can I apply the Wild Yam Cream once a day instead of twice a day?

It’s usually recommended to apply it twice a day, especially if one is experiencing hot flashes. This will lead to having the best result and highest efficacy for most people.

However, many do find positive results with just once a day application.

How long does Wild Yam Cream take to work?

Around 75%+ of women have reported they notice a difference in less than a month. However, this is not the best time to analyze how you feel, based on how Wild Yam Cream actually works in the body. In fact, it’s just getting started during this time.

Because there is a “flush” that happens when going onto a natural Wild Yam Cream, we recommend a minimum of 3 months total to give a fair comparison of how the product is making you feel. In fact, during the first month some may even report negative effects that are only due to the body removing excess hormones.

But, once you reach the 3rd month, you will have made it past the “flush” and “initial balancing” stage completely, and for most this is when the most noticeable beneficial effects are reported.

Why do I need a “1 Week Break” off Wild Yam Cream each month?

The “1 week break” is recommended for those who currently have a menstrual cycle, because during the menstrual cycle you do not need additional progesterone production in the body. In fact, progesterone levels need to decrease naturally to allow the menstrual cycle to start.

Actually, having higher progesterone (than necessary) during this time often will delay the start of the menstrual cycle or lead to irregularity, which is the reason to take the break.

If one is already post-menopause, the break is not necessary. Should a “1 week break” be taken, some women may experience break-through symptoms such as hot flashes.

If using without a break, one may choose to take a 1 week break after 3 months of continuous use, just to check-in and monitor how their body is feeling while using the product. For some, during this break time many will find out how symptoms have changed.
Are there any medications I shouldn’t take while using Wild Yam Cream?

Yes, actually many are not aware that it can interact with existing prescription medications. These include NDTs, HRTs, thyroid medications, and some birth controls depending on the formulation.

The side effects one might experience if they are combining Wild Yam Cream with these medications are: Insomnia, Hot Flashes, Anxiety, Headaches, Breast Tenderness, Irregular Menses, or Bloating.

Many of our customers are usually looking to wean off of these types of medications, or replacing them with other alternatives. If you have more questions concerning any of these or information on alternatives, please reach out to us.

Are there any side effects of Wild Yam Cream?

This information will help anyone trying to use any hormone-related product that may be worried about side effects and interactions.

Firstly, ensure that you’re not on any medications that might interact with Wild Yam Cream.

Secondly, for some who have been on birth control for 10+ years of their life, or may have been on HRT for 10+ years and weaning off, there may be a more intense flush period than for others.

For most people, the “flush period” is short and many do not even notice it. The first 1-2 weeks there may be a time where the body is increasing progesterone, and releasing the “excess” hormones from the body.

This excess is when we experience most of our symptoms related to hormone imbalance to begin with. So, it can set off alarms in thinking this is making symptoms worse, but this is not the case.

Some of these symptoms: Hot Flashes, Breast Tenderness, Insomnia, Bloating, Anxiety, Headaches, Nausea, Fatigue, Depression

For some people who come to us who have a history of added-hormones (such as birth control) to the body, we usually recommend some other herbal supplements which can reduce symptoms from this flush period.

In addition to this, it can be incredibly helpful for most people to aid the body during this time. Meaning, reducing exposure to xenoestrogens and other things that elevate our hormone levels, can help. This is especially the case with what we call “The 3 B’s” Breakfast, Bathroom, and Breaks

Breakfast = It’s important to eat a healthy breakfast because that will aid the body in fuel for the day. Forgo any fad “dieting” and at the very least focusing on at least a healthy breakfast can go a long way in keeping our hormone levels balanced throughout the day.

Bathroom = This is a place that we often apply products to our skin daily, to our largest organ in the body. From soaps to beauty products, reduce the toxins and intake of hormone-impacting products.

Breaks = The importance of something that many of us forget about, especially in the West. Take time for yourself, be sure to take breaks throughout the day and drink mineralized water, perhaps sit on a bench, go for a walk, or even read a book. Even better if bare feet can touch the ground while outside. This daily pause is incredibly important at helping our body function. Turning down the mind, and tuning in to ourselves to benefit our body.

In the long term, the Wild Yam Cream is designed to help our bodies with hormonal balance, however if we are constantly adding in more hormones (it’s a fact – our bathroom is often filled with hormone-delivering products) it’s going to take much longer because our body must go through this flush repeatedly.

Is Wild Yam Cream good for fertility?

Yes, it is known to increase fertility. For those who have had trouble or dealing with issues related to infertility, we have heard of many women who have then had a successful pregnancy after using our women’s Wild Yam Cream products.

Although it may increase fertility, do know that it does not increase it past the usual 7-day period  (around ovulation) that a woman can become pregnant.

Is ProMeno Wild Yam Cream safe to use during pregnancy?

Yes, it is safe during pregnancy during the first trimester. There are many scientific studies that show that progesterone levels will not negatively impact a fetus, and in some cases will only aid the chances of success of the pregnancy.

Generally, we would recommend “weaning off” for about a month until it’s no longer used, just reducing the amount by 1/4th each week.

We have many women who have not only started their pregnancy while on Wild Yam Cream, but also had successful pregnancies.

Is ProMeno Wild Yam Cream safe to use while breastfeeding?

Many studies have been done on progesterone with breastfeeding parents. Overall, we do not believe that Wild Yam Cream will negatively impact a breastfeeding mother.

So far, we have had many nursing mothers use Wild Yam Cream over the last few decades, and we have only heard of positive reports and no negative impact on breast milk production.

Even with the many studies that have an added progesterone (synthetic hormone), it’s only shown that a very small amount of progesterone makes it through the breast milk. However, because ours is not a synthetic form of hormone, it’s very unlikely anything actually is carried through the breast milk because the body is not producing more than what’s being used.

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